This Blog is a resource provided by the Disability Law Committee of the Florida Bar. We welcome your participation. Marc Dubin, Esq., Chair of the Committee, can be reached at and at 305-896-3000. He is available for consultations.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How well does your local domestic violence shelter serve victims with disabilities?

How well does your local domestic violence shelter serve victims with disabilities?

There are 42 certified domestic violence shelters in the state of Florida. 41 of them are nonprofits, covered by title III of the ADA - one (located in Miami-Dade County) is a title II shelter, operated by the County.

Does the shelter advertise its services to the disability community? Do its outreach materials show pictures of people with disabilities? Does it advertise its TTY number? Does it offer sign language interpreters during counseling sessions, free of charge? Does it let the public know that it offers printed material in alternative formats, upon request, such as Braille,large print, audio, and electronic format? Does it allow a person with a disability to bring her service animal into shelter with her? Are its facilities architecturally accessible?

For assistance with applying the ADA to sheltering programs, contact Marc Dubin, Esq. at 305-896-3000 or by email at

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Available for consultations.