This Blog is a resource provided by the Disability Law Committee of the Florida Bar. We welcome your participation. Marc Dubin, Esq., Chair of the Committee, can be reached at and at 305-896-3000. He is available for consultations.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Application Form to Join Public Interest Law Section

To become a member of the Disability Law Committee, you must be a member of the Public Interest Law Section of the Florida bar. Please fill out the application form and ask to be on the Disability Law Committee.

The Public Interest Law Section of The Florida Bar

The Public Interest Law Section (PILS) defines its mission as a forum to advocate for the legal needs of people who are generally disenfranchised, under represented or lack meaningful access to traditional public forums.

The Public Interest Law section is an organization within The Florida Bar open to all members in good standing and non-Bar members, who have a common interest in advocacy and enhancement of constitutional, statutory or other rights which protect the dignity, security, justice, liberty, or freedom of the individual or public. Continued on site.