This Blog is a resource provided by the Disability Law Committee of the Florida Bar. We welcome your participation. Marc Dubin, Esq., Chair of the Committee, can be reached at and at 305-896-3000. He is available for consultations.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

DOJ: Largest Pizza Hut Franchisee Agrees to Nationwide Accessibility

Largest Pizza Hut Franchisee Agrees to Nationwide Accessibility --

The Department signed an agreement with NPC International Inc. that will make NPC’s Pizza Hut restaurants accessible nationwide to people with disabilities. NPC, which operates approximately 800 Pizza Hut restaurants in 25 states, is the largest single franchisee of Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States. Whether existing, altered, or newly constructed, these restaurants will have the following accessible features at a minimum:

Parking areas will have two accessible parking spaces, including one accessible to vans. They will be on the shortest accessible route to an accessible entrance and marked with appropriate signage.

An accessible entrance will connect to all accessible spaces within the site through an accessible route that is free of obstructions. The doors will not be too heavy and will have hardware that is easy to operate.

Dining, food service, and customer service areas will include at least one accessible table or booth, an accessible counter surface or check-writing area where payment is made, and signs stating that service will be provided upon request (for example, where self-service food areas are difficult to reach or manage) to customers with disabilities.

Public rest rooms will be accessible. Either accessible stalls in multistall rest rooms or accessible unisex rest rooms will be provided unless the Department and NPC agree (under specific terms in the agreement) that is it not reasonable or feasible to do so. The accessible rest rooms will have grab bars, a lavatory that can be operated easily, and other accessibility features.

In addition, NPC will survey and evaluate all NPC-owned facilities that were subject to the ADA’s new construction or alterations standards at the time of their construction or alteration and bring them into compliance with the standards that were in effect at the time. At the 180 NPC-operated outlets that are dedicated solely to delivery and carry-out, that have no in-restaurant dining, and that are owned by a party other than NPC, NPC will make its best efforts to work with landlords to ensure accessibility. NPC will also build all future facilities in compliance with ADA Standards for Accessible Design, designate a compliance officer, and train all personnel involved in implementing the agreement.

To join the Disability Law Committee, contact Austin Newberry at the Bar, at